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The following RR networks are now confirmed open to OS/2 users!

  • San Diego, CA [1-15-98]
  • Columbus, OH [2-10-98]
  • Akron, OH [2-11-98]
  • Corning/Elmira/Binghamton/Norwich, NY [2-20-98]
  • Southern Maine [3-2-98]
  • Tampa Bay, FL [3-8-98]
  • El Paso. TX [4-22-98]
  • Memphis, TN [5-3-98]
  • Syracuse, NY [6-5-98]
  • Rochester, NY [6-5-98]
  • St. Johns, NF [6-14-98]
  • Albany/Troy/Saratoga, NY [6-16-98]
  • Austin, TX [10-27-98]
I have made available a new version of RROS2. This version now supports the Digital authentication system which is used in upstate New York and Hawaii. Although it has been tested in New York it should work in Hawaii as well. The Toshiba support is the same as it was in the previous RROS2 but improvements are coming.

Please send me your suggestions / wish lists for new versions of RROS2. I still intend to merge rrclientd into RROS2 for full HP support but that's a tough one so it might take a while.

Site History
12-18-98 It looks like the Ohio Road Runner networks have switched from the HP authentication system to the Digital system. I have put some instructions on the Experimental RROS2 page. You do not need Kerberos or the Kerberos version of RROS2d anymore. You should probably download the latest non-HP version of RROS2d.
11-19-98 Well, it's not OS/2 related but my unix rrlms login code is now being maintained by George Coulouris. His web site for rrlms is
11-2-98 Austin, Texas, has been confirmed as OS/2 enabled. There is a small trick though, you must set the ClientVersion value to 20. See the readme.txt file in the distribution for instructions on how to change this internal variable.

Well, work has been keeping me busy again so very little has been updated, changed, or fixed.

7-6-98 My first build of RROS2d is now available. You can find it on my Experimental page. It is a total mess but I need people to help me test it so here it is.
6-16-98 A new, and highly experimental, RROS2 is now available for users of Toshiba and Digital authentication systems. Look for the link on the 'Login Software' page.

The NYCAP area (Albany/Troy/Saratoga) has been confirmed as OS/2 enabled!

Confusion regarding the and seems to be clearing. They appear to be the same network. More or less anyway.

6-5-98 Whew... Major site redesign.
6-3-98 Well, it's been 3 months of hell for me at work! Whew... Ok, there are a few new confirmed OS/2 RR networks. Work is in progress to get the people stuck on the Micro$oft/Digital authentication system going. Added mailing lists.
3-8-98 Updated the success list. Added a link to the latest MPTS fixpack.
2-20-98 Added Southern Tier NY to the success list! This region covers Corning, Elmira, Binghamton, and Norwich.
2-20-98 First build of unified Road Runner utility, rros2, made available
2-16-98 Small site redesign. Added Regional Road Runner information.
2-10-98 Beta of John Clark's rrclientd available.
RR & OS/2 Survey now on-line.
1-17-98 Port of John Clark's rrclientd is in the works
1-16-98 Note from Phil Karn: New rrlogin to be made available soon
1-15-98 Initial port of rrlogin complete