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Currenty, Road Runner uses three class B addresses: 204.210, 24.92, and 24.93. These are broken down into ranges of class C addresses. Each region uses a particular range or set of ranges for their Internet addresses.

Address allocaions sorted by region:

Location Start End
San Diego, California 204.210.0 204.210.63
Southern Maine 204.210.64 204.210.95
24.92.152 24.92.223
Oahu, Hawaii 204.210.96 204.210.127
Southern Tier, New York 204.210.128 204.210.159
24.92.128 24.92.139
Capital Area, New York 204.210.160 204.210.191
24.92.32 24.92.63
North East Ohio 204.210.192 204.210.223
24.92.140 24.92.151
Columbus, Ohio 204.210.224 204.210.252
Tampa Bay, Florida 24.92.0 24.92.31
Midsouth (Memphis) 24.92.64 24.92.95
El Paso, Texas 24.92.96 24.92.127
Syracuse, NY 24.92.224 24.92.255
24.93.0 24.93.29

Address allocaions sorted by Address:

Start End Location
204.210.0 204.210.63 San Diego, California
204.210.64 204.210.95 Southern Maine
204.210.96 204.210.127 Oahu, Hawaii
204.210.128 204.210.159 Southern Tier, New York
204.210.160 204.210.191 Capital Area, New York
204.210.192 204.210.223 North East Ohio
204.210.224 204.210.252 Columbus, Ohio
24.92.0 24.92.31 Tampa Bay, Florida
24.92.32 24.92.63 Capital Area, New York
24.92.64 24.92.95 Mid South
24.92.96 24.92.127 El Paso, Texas
24.92.128 24.92.136 Southern Tier, New York
24.92.137 24.92.137 RR Internal?
24.92.138 24.92.138 Southern Tier, New York
24.92.139 24.92.139 ???
24.92.140 24.92.151 North East Ohio
24.92.152 24.92.223 Southern Maine
24.92.224 24.92.255 Rochester, New York
24.93.0 24.93.31 Rochester, New York

Note: It is unclear as to what the relationship between Rochester ( and Syracuse ( is. Hmmm... Maybe I should look on a map!