This project was going to be a lot of work so I wanted to make sure that I had direct evidence that the liquid cooler was actually doing something. So, I put together a digital temperature sensor array that I could use to record the performance of my liquid cooler. I used Dallas Semiconductor ( DS1820 sensors and a Microchip ( PIC16c55 microcontroller to do the job. I recorded temperatures at multiple points at 10 second intervals.
At this time I have pictures and brief descriptions of my Phase I and Phase II units as well as lots of cool graphs of my temperature data.
I managed to cool a temperature sensor to -44.5F during my cascade experiment. Check out the link below. Watchout Kryotech!
Phase II - 30F (-1C)
Phase IIa - 11.75F (-11.25C)
Phase IIb - Jet-Dry
Phase III - In Design Stage ** NEW 11-12-98 ***
Refrigerator Experiments - [8-10-98]
Question? Comment? Suggestion? E-mail me:
Totally off-topic: Two pics from my back yard in La Jolla, CA: here. And if you REALLY want to get off-topic you can check out my NUKE'O'TRON Nuclear Weapon Effects Calculator and my Titan ICBM page @